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제 331차

2019.12.31 11:30

IIP연구실 조회 수:5237

발표내용 H-scan for visualizing types of tissue scatterers 
발표자 백지혜 
날짜 2020-01-03 

발표제목: H-scan for visualizing types of tissue scatterers

Abstract: The H-scan approach is a matched filter methodology that aims to add information to the traditional ultrasound B-scan.  The theory is based on the differences in the echoes produced by different classes of reflectors or scatterers.  Matched filters can be created for different types of scatterers, whereby the maximum output indicates a match and color schemes can be used to indicate the class of scatterer responsible for echoes, providing a visual interpretation of the results.  However, within the theory of weak scattering from a variety of shapes, small changes in the size of the inhomogeneous objects will create shifts in the scattering transfer function.  In this work, we determine the shift in center frequency, along with time and frequency domain characteristics of echoes and argue for a general power law transfer function to capture the major characteristics of scattering types.  With this general approach, the H-scan matched filters can be set to elicit more fine grain shifts in scattering types, commensurate with more subtle changes in tissue morphology.  Compensation for frequency dependent attenuation is helpful for avoiding beam softening effects with increasing depths.  Examples from phantoms and normal and pathological tissues are provided to demonstrate that the H-scan analysis and displays are sensitive to scatterer size and morphology, and can be adapted to conventional imaging systems.

System Group Seminar

회차 발표 내용 발표자 날짜
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